Intrebare: buna ziua, pe data de 28. 2014 sotia mea a demisionat, in demisie nu a fost niciunde scris de preaviz. Angajatorul pe langa inregistrarea demisiei, a APROBAT acest act cu urmatoarea rezolutie: 'se aproba, conform contractului individual de munca, incepand cu data de 28. 2014 ' fara a stipula vreo perioada de preaviz. Ulterior a revenit cu o scrisoare'decizie/raspuns la CEREREA de demisie' prin care ii aducea la cunostinta ca este deacord cu CEREREA de demisie, inregistrata si depusa la sediul societatii, in conditia respectarii perioadei de preaviz. Inrebarea mea este daca trebuia sau nu respectarea perioadei de preaviz? Mentionez ca atat inspectorii ITM cat si alti juristi au spus ca din momentul semnarii si parafarii acelei APROBARI cu data de 28.

Emulators » Nintendo Gameboy Advance » Windows » higan higan GBA / Multi-System Emulator for Windows Overview. Higan is a multi-system emulator that. Higan emulator is available for download on Windows. Higan is a Gameboy (GB) emulator by byuu et al. That plays games for this console. We have all Gameboy emulator downloads on this site that work in the United States of America (USA) region. Higan is a multi-system emulator that began development on October 14th, 2004. It currently supports the following systems: Nintendo Famicom; Nintendo Super Famicom. Higan gba emulator for pc. Higan GBA Emulator For PC. Higan GBA Emulator is another great emulator that lets you play GBA games on PC. The emulator in nature is simplistic to its core, allowing it to run on almost all the hardware you throw at it. Here we show you some of the best GBA emulators for PC & Android that you can download and use right away. This is the most comprehensive list out there! Higan is an open source GBA Emulator for PC, which might also be one of the most advanced emulators in this list. It has support for lots of systems, not only GBA (we’ll come to that later).

Demisie La Zi


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Demisie La Zi

Mar 5, 2015 - Partidul Miscarea Populara (PMP) ii cere public demisia de onoare lui Cristian Preda din. Cum afecteaza lipsa somnului activitatile de zi cu zi. Termenul de preaviz. Poti consulta toate legile din domeniul legislatia muncii actualizate la zi de oriunde si oricand. Atentie, este singurul Soft Legislativ din Romania realizat Exclusiv pentru Departamentul de Resurse Umane/Salarizare la pretul de 1.636 + TVA =1.717,5 lei.